[Hot Diggity!]

Hot Diggity: Old-school dog training in the Bay Area.  (Feature)

[San Francisco Bay Guardian: March 31, 2011]  Appelbaum_HotDiggity

[Under Glass]

Under Glass: Examining a Bay Area bug artist.  (Feature)

[San Francisco Bay Guardian: March 1, 2011]  Appelbaum_UnderGlass

[Indigenous by Design]

Indigenous by Design: Interview with agricultural forester and author Dave Jacke (Magazine interview)

[Yale Wheel, the undergraduate journal of sustainability: December, 2009]  Appelbaum_JackeInterview

[Reclaiming the Rubble]

Reclaiming the Rubble: The casita tradition in New York City.  A look at the culture of food and family in New York’s casita gardens, and at how public policy toward green spaces may be threatening these urban oases.  (First-person feature)

[Yale Wheel, The Undergraduate Journal of Sustainability: December, 2009]  Appelbaum_ReclaimingTheRubble

[Crochet Crazy]

Crochet Crazy: A New York artist proves that the craft isn’t just for Grannies any more! (First-person feature)

[Yale Herald: February 19, 2010]  Appelbaum_CrochetCrazy

[A Mid-Market Tale]

A Mid-Market Tale: amid Market talks, two youths do. (Online feature and blog post)

[San Francisco Bay Guardian: June 29, 2010]  Appelbaum_Amid-Market

[A New Spin]

A New Spin: Inside (and upside-down and all around) the art of pole dancing . . . and why it’s not just for strip clubs anymore.  (First-person long-form magazine essay)

[Yale Manifesta, The Journal of Feminist Thought: Fall, 2009]  Appelbaum_ANewSpin

[Operation Turtle]

Operation Turtle: Before post-9/11 airline regulations, and way before Snakes on a Plane, disaster ensues when a pair of reptiles is smuggled onto a flight from the west coast. (Personal essay)

[Yale Alumni Magazine: May/June 2010] Appelbaum_OperationTurtle